Tour de Bayou

Tour de Bayou

Tour de Bayou & Practice for the Tour

Our Fearless Leader Roger Boak

The very popular (and free) Tour de Bayou cross country series has been coordinated by HARRA in the Spring for many years. Three races, or stages, are held at different locations within the Loop. Leis are awarded to those crazy cross-country crusaders completing the Tour de Bayou series.

The Practice for the Tour cross country series comprises three (3) stages and is held in the Fall.

The races are free and open to everyone. They are cross country (not on pavement). Distances vary from roughly three miles to five miles. We will provide water and sports-drink. Runners may run any or all of the stages. Results will be posted for individual stages and cumulatively. Overall standings will also be posted*.

*Open and Women's Division runners are scored on a point system using the Purdy Tables. Masters and Masters Women's Division runners are also scored on a point system based on age-graded WAVA factors. For more information, contact Roger Boak at nboka.xc@gmail.com.


Spring 2024 Tour de Bayou: Dates & Locations

All stages are run on Thursdays in April and start at 6:00 p.m.

**** There will be 3 Stages of the Tour de Bayou in 2024 ****

April  4 - Spotts Park, 401 S Heights Blvd, Houston, TX 77007

April 11 - Cullen Running Trails Center, Memorial Park, 7575 Picnic Lane 77007

April 18 - White Oak Bayou - Stude Park (near baseball field)


Fall 2023 Practice for Tour: Dates & Locations

All stages are run on Thursdays in October and start at 6:00 p.m.  

**** There will be 3 Stages of the Tour de Bayou in 2023 ****

October 5 -  Spotts Park, 401 S Heights Blvd, Houston, TX 77007

October 12 - Cullen Running Trails Center, Memorial Park, 7575 Picnic Lane

October 19 - White Oak Bayou - Stude Park (near baseball field)


(HARRA recommends not leaving valuables in your vehicle when attending these events).

HARRA will provide water and the ever supportive Karbach Brewing Co. will supply post-race carb replacement.

The races are free and open to everyone, you just have to promise to be careful!